On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Mohler, Jeff wrote:
:Anyone know of a simple figure I can toss into Visio to represent a F760 (or :any other filer for that matter).
Ya know I use Visio to draw my meager sphere sphere of responsibility. Including some 20 SUN servers, an F630, and a E3500/A3500 storage array. I think I used just a plain database for a representation of the F630. Most users of mine think of it as 5 different machines anyway. I think they were all more impressed with the picture of the chrome head then *any* of the Visio network diagrams I've done. I think I used the default cray icon for the A3500 which looks more like a filer then a cray IMO.
I guess my question is, why needs it be so exact? Why not just make a web page that folks can click on with thumbnail photos of the machines if they want to know what they look like?
/* * Chad H Tudor chtudor@stanford.edu HighWire Press * Sr. System Administrator http://highwire.stanford.edu */