*** Carl R. Friend cfriend@mathworks.com *** [2003-04-16 07:10:20]: We just upgraded a two-volume filer to 6.3.1R1D1 and the reporting order reversed itself from vol0, vol1 to vol1, vol0. This, in turn, goofed up the SNMP monitoring bits by reversing the index-to-volume numbers.
has happened here for a long time, that's why I wrote mrtg-ntap-probe http://pwo.de/projects/mrtg/ which gets all information about all volumes and then selects the specific info by name ...
Cheers --pwo
-- Peter W. Osel Principal - Development Systems Infineon Technologies Email: pwo@Infineon.COM North America Corp. Phone: +1 (408) 501 6321 1730 North First Street Fax: +1 (408) 501 2410 San Jose, CA 95112, USA WWW: http://pwo.de/
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