If You use old disk f/w. In this case , disk was not detach normally and SES dose not work correcly. Please check NOW site and update it.(and power cycle the system. recommend)
Regards, -motoyoshi
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 14:49:25 -0400 Daniel Finn DFinn@studentadvantage.com wrote:
Daniel Finn wrote:
Today a disk failed, but different from what I'm used to seeing. It
now that I look at it that disk 4.19 failed and it took spare disk 4.38 and began rebuilding on that. What seems strange though is that it kept trying to read or write to disk 4.19 until I physically pulled the disk out. Why would this have happened?
Hello Daniel
It appears, that the electronic controller of your disk failed. The filer tried to tell the disk "you are broken" and tried to write on the disks label, to make shure wherever this disk will go to ... it will tell any technician by it's raidlabel: I am broken. In your case I also see SES error messages for this shelf. ... let's calculate: Disk 19=16+3 Let me guess ... This is a FC-7/8/9 shelf and the slot 2 is/was empty? The slots 2 AND 3 should be filled both in those old schelves, just in case one of those disks breakes...
I think you can ignore the warnings you have seen. They were produced by the disks electronic.
Smile & regards Dirk