Hello All,
We just had a rough night trying to upgrade a 3020 from 7.2.4 to 7.3.7 where the upgraded node came up with no working network connections. Turns out the same setup / RC file that works great in 7.2.4 crumps in 7.3.7. After some flailing, we used revert_to to roll back. In the mean time, our VMware farm had several hundred VMs suffer a ~1 hour loss of their disks and ~40 VMs needed help ranging from just a reboot to a full rollback of the disk image.
This Sunday we're scheduled to upgrade a v3170 pair that supports about three times as many VMs and uses the same network design. We have some reasons to hope that the same issue won't bite us, and also have better options to test before we have to risk the virtual farm, and some other ideas on how to mitigate risk and impact. But it was also suggested that an even better way to avoid a problem would be if we could upgrade a node and then test the RC file before it was actually "given back."
If I do a takeover from Node B, then upgrade Node A, is there a way to bring up Node A far enough to test that its RC file loaded successfully but before it tries to go back into production?
Hope to hear from you,