On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Nick Silkey silkey@ece.utexas.edu wrote:
The NetApp hosting VMWare serves VMDKs via NFS (3160 under A-SIS and SMVI are components in this architecture as well.
If anyone has crossed this path before, insight is appreciated. Thanks.
We have similar environment too. Though we don't have "self service" to end users enabled, we do allow our first level helpdesk staff to do file level restores for VMs. We have a tool called UFS explorer installed on one "management server" http://www.ufsexplorer.com/download_std.php. This tool allows one to walk the NetApp filesystem and its snapshots via CIFS and open VMDK files and explore the VM disks and pull out the files needed to be restored. Works like a charm.
Hope this helps -Sto Rage