The info-cvs mailing lists say the the NFS problems are caused by various implementations of NFS interacting with the server's NFS. I don't believe they say anything about NetApp's NFS.
We didn't have this problem but we had others (Case# 246228, BugID 54160). At random times we'd start getting permission denied on a cvs commit and the same user could commit the same files from a different system with the same NFS mounts. We mostly use various versions of FreeBSD. We could (temporality) solve the problem by tar'ing off the repository, deleting it, and restoring it from the tar file. We solved the problem by moving the repositories to a F520 running 5.3.7R3 and have had no problems sine then. We just migrated to 6.0.1 on a F840 when the cvs problems started.
Personally I believe the problem NetApp fixed is not what we experienced and I've received several emails from other NetApp users who have had the same problems.
Charles Bartels wrote:
Is there any general consensus on running CVS over the netapp's NFS? A while back I heard that it was not advisable but I thought things might have changed.