ok, scratching my head here...
I just upgraded the new SMVI 2.0 with file level restore.. HURAYY.. Its only been a year, but I guess you cant rush perfection. I was previously running 1.2 and have the typical wait time errors, but for the most part is successful.
Specs: ESX vshpere 4.0 (non 4i flavor) SMIV 2.0 (installed on VMWare VIC physical server) 6040's DOT 7.3.11 FC HP DL380s G5(for now)
problem: When I try and do a single file restore via self service option, (to and from the same VM guest), I go to select the vm in the restore agent from the guest OS, I press OK. Then I get an error:
Failed to retrieve backupList fro the source guest. And I only have an OK button.
i have tried from multiple guest os'es. Same result.
I looked in the log, and this is just before the popup I get:
at RestoreAgentWCFSvc.RestoreAgent.GetBackupsAndDisks(GuestIdentifier guest, List`1& backupRootedHierarchy, List`1& diskRootedHierarchy, Exception& exFromHyperVisor) then the error in the log..
11/23/2009 01:31:48:154 (PID:01684 ,TID:00006): Failed to retrieve backupList for the source guest
Any help is appreciated..