we have the opportunity to build several filers from scratch for our LAN, which will serve all departments in the company, fileshare through Samba, host htdocs for the internal web site, etc. can someone please point me to a good document that offers guidelines for doing the rearchitecting?
our architecture is currently flat- one volume per filer with the data only split up into separate directories. all hosts can mount all directories on all volumes if needed. we are overpowered so i'm not too concerned about performance. it does makes sense to have multiple volumes for varying snap schedules, for instance; however i'd like to learn more about what the trade-offs are because i do understand there is a storage penalty. the security paradigm is to depend on firewall protection on the perimeter and to have a relatively open internal network. backups will be snap mirrors to a sibling filer at our offsite colo, with an occasional archival to tape for some of the data.
thanks in advance.