Necessary to yell? I use what I received. I am required to stick with it for a while yet. You make a blanket statement without supporting facts.
Here's what I'm wondering, Michael. When they are comparing the Netapp Filers to local storage, what exactly are they comparing?
* Are they comparing 100mbit NFS delivery to a SCSI variant? * Are they comparing their raid and caching to a(n anonymous) local disk solution? JBOD or something else? * Are they comparing their NFS filesystem implementation to UFS and/or VxFS?
Are the comparing the whole solution against something when it is claimed to be on par with local disks, and if so, what solutions are they comparing against?
Of course, it would be a surprise is the Netapp Filers were on par with local storage in all cases. What I want to know is, what are the edge cases? What are the filers particually better at, and what are they particularly worse at?