In article, you write: |> |> That won't work. NT (and I presume win9[58]) won't let me make a |> shortcut to a non-existent thing, and it doesn't think .snapshot or
Can you use Explorer (or whatever) to get into the snapshot directory and then create a shortcut to that while it "exists"?
|> It will work when it's a symlink, but you have to be on UNIX to create |> a symlink, and then I think you're back with the same problem, because |> fastfind will traverse it. It doesn't know symlinks are special. It |> thinks SNAPSHOT is a folder (directory). I just tested this.
Not surprising, since NT knows nothing about symbolic links.
----------- Gordon Lack ----------------- ------------ The contents of this message *may* reflect my personal opinion. They are *not* intended to reflect those of my employer, or anyone else.