Momonth> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 6:07 PM, John Stoffel wrote:
> "Momonth" == Momonth writes:
Do you have the ostype set correctly? Same initiators on the CentOS 6.7 working system as on the busted on? I assum you did something like:
lun create -vserver foo /vol/bar/lun1 -size 1g -ostype linux
and it's messed up? Did you try creating a new small test lun on the busted setup and seeing if that lun has too big a lun ID?
Momonth> The "ostype" is set to "linux". If I create another LUN on the other 2 Momonth> pairs of filers (i have 6 nodes cluster) in the same cluster, it Momonth> works as expected, ie 4 paths per LUN.
Momonth> I think I localized the issue to just one node in the cluster.
Funky. sounds like maybe rebooting that node (after doing a failover to the other half of the HA pair) might be one solution here.
So if you create new LUNs on that problematic node, they all show up with the high LUN id?
What version of 8.2 are you running? There are some patches out there and we're running 8.2.3P2 ourselves, but not with many LUNs (FCP or iSCSI) at all.
What does the 'lun show -m' on the problematic lun show? Since it's working on one HBA, but not the other... that semi implies to me that you have an HBA config issue.
Trying to create a new test lun might help figure out what's going on here?