One of my friends in Beijing who has an NetApp had the same issue and bought exactly the same unit... I didn't hear from him again so I guess this worked out out.
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Jason Truong wrote:
I was in your position not too long ago. a) we don't have the money to buy another netapp b) Engineering has been hounding IT for more space c) needed a cheap solution
We ended buying this : There is also the new one VTrak 15100.
The UltraTrak RM15000 we purchased ran about $7K with all 15 drives included. (160gb each)
It's not a bad device as we have it plugged into a Dell Poweredge 2450 running windows 2000. Though I would rather have it plugged into a Linux machine...that might be further down the road.
You might wanna look into windows 2003 server with shadow copy though I don't know much about it at all. Maybe someone who has played with that feature will shed some light on this.
Of course it would be better to have another NetApp but I couldn't get this into our IT budget.
Jason T.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 11:14 AM To: NetApp Toasters List Subject: OT: Poor man's redundant storage
Dear Toasters,
I would like to poll all the poor people on the list who cant afford/justify the need for clusters and instead use other cheap solution to provide redundancy of their data.
Even a simple IDE-RAID solution, with some kind of heartbeat system...
I have a couple of netapp's here on-site and in the event of a disaster, where the RAID array's are lost and i need to rebuild from scratch, i would like to have someother system serving the data i need, albeit at much lower performance.
I do have a spares kit to help me recover from events like MoBo/Processor dying etc.
Thanks for your time,
-- /dev/null
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