I have a troublesome volume in a FlexGroup that continues to fill faster than the other constituents.
6.25TB 4.22TB 32% 6.25TB 4.19TB 32% 6.25TB 328.9GB 94% 6.25TB 4.24TB 32% 6.25TB 4.20TB 32% 6.25TB 4.20TB 32% 6.25TB 4.23TB 32% 6.25TB 4.24TB 32%
With autogrow disabled, from what I understand after reading Mr. Parisi's document, elastic sizing will make sure writes will happen. This FlexGroup is a CIFS share for a document management system, so it's millions of little files.
Am I safe to leave the FlexGroup like this until the other constituents catch up, or is there a need to grow the entire FlexGroup?
Cluster is 9.6P5.