When consolidating about 80G of group directories to a couple 760s, I used the NT ResKit's ROBOCOPY command. It was free, quick, and painless. Of course, it worked only because Administrators had full access to all the data. If you have locked yourself out of the directories, you may want to look at different software or doing a backup/restore.
If you want to use RoboCopy, here's a sample command-line command-line: robocopy F:\Groups\IT Y:\ /V /S /E /SEC /NP /R:2 /W:2 /LOG:U:\IT.txt
Description: The commmand is being run at the console of the NT File Server. F:\Groups\IT is the sourcedir, and Y:\ is mapped to the appropriate share on the filer. /V is Verbose /S is Subdirectories /E is Copy Empty Subdirectories /SEC is Copy NTFS permissions /NP is Don't Show Progress (Messes up when used with logging) /R:2 and /W:2 is retry twice and wait 2 seconds between retries /LOG:U:\IT.txt is dump logging to this location
I manually had to stop and recreate shares. Not a big deal for ~15 group drives, but for ~1500 user shares, I'll be doomed. I'm looking at using the options cifs.homedirs but have had no time lately to play.
Best of luck!
John Witham Senior Data Networking Engineer Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. V://847.383.3304 F://847.383.3205 mailto://jwitham@takedapharm.com
-----Original Message----- From: Saklikar, Raj [mailto:Raj.Saklikar@netapp.com] Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 1:05 PM To: 'toasters@mathworks.com' Cc: 'dmatarazzo@ftc.gov' Subject: Replicating to filer
I'm attending a class and am sending this from the instructor's email--please reply to this account or dmatarazzo@ftc.gov
We are going to consolidate 4 NT servers to the filer and are looking for something that will replicate and then synchronize the shares, user directories and permissions. We have tested Fastlane's DM/Consolidator and I'm wondering if anyone has successfully used this or knows of another product that will enable us to accomplish this.