On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Weeks, Thomas wrote:
|> | [Weeks, Thomas] | RAM on the filer is being run to the very MAX of its specs |(maybe more)... I hear that they have a fairly high failure rate on RAM |that would otherwise work FINE in slower, less demanding systems (PC's).
I highly doubt that. Very few Netapp buyers are running PCs. Most of us are running Sun/DEC/IBM/SGI/etc machines. The F220 is a _P75_ based machine with *NO* L2 Cache. I hardly feel it needs 9ns ram ;)
Our F630 is Alpha based, and i seriously doubt it is overunning its ram.
Jonah "who just made another order with dallas semiconductor" Yokubaitis
Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | Austin|San Antonio|Houston President | Dallas|Fort Worth|Boerne Texas.Net | Georgetown|Dripping Springs http://www.texas.net | Making 56k affordable