We've just upgraded our main filers to 7.0.5 after running 588 days with no interruption on 6.5.5. However we've run into serious problems when enabling quotas. The system runs at 100% for ages and we eventually have to disable quotas altogether. On the old system it took about 1 hour and 20% CPU to initialise quotas so there's an enormous difference. The system is unuseable if we enable quotas on 7.0.5. Netapps haven't been much help; the articles they refer me too mention this problem but in all cases the bug notes claim its been fixed in 7.0.5.
Anyone been here before me? We have ~20,000 accounts but most are captured with default quotas although we have around 1000 explicit entries defined in the quotas file.
Thanks ... Paul
Paul Jones, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D. - Head of Systems Services, Information Technology Service, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE Email: p.s.jones@durham.ac.uk Phone/Fax: 0191 334 2749/2701