I need to upgrade present productin F840 cluster environment running DOT 6.4.2P6 in order to support LTO3 tape-drives and an ADIC library. This seems like an oportunity to go directly to DOT 7.x (traditional volumes only - no flex vols yet). I've been pouring over the Upgrade Guide and was wondering what experiences/problems others have came across.
1) What are some of the biggest/troublesome issues ?
2) How long does the upgrade take ? The docs only say hours (in an event that I need to revert back)
3) Has anyone found a need to revert back ? Why ?
4) Available Volume space I believe that as part of the upgrade DOT has to go and change all of the inodes. Are there any implications as far as available space in a volume ? Do I need to make sure that I have some n% of free space ?
5) How did you deal with the new /etc/exports ? I use /etc/netgroups and it seems that I need to totally rewrite the /etc/exports file since '-access' is no longer supported
6) Increased disk & CPU activity after the upgrade The Upgrade Guide mentions that there will be an increase. How much of an increase have people seen ? One of my 840s runs at about 90% busy all the time
7) What version of DOT 7.x would you suggest to upgrade to ?
Thanks, George