I second that one. And we've got the SAM agreement to boot. Hmmmm...... Regards
Martin Enterprise Storage/Enterprise Server Group mailto:martin.hughes@halliburton.com cellphone: +1 713 303 9214 office: +1 281 871 4124 -------------------------- Sent from BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)
-----Original Message----- From: Chuck Ross chuck.ross@signiant.com To: Net App List (E-mail) toasters@mathworks.com Sent: Fri Apr 20 13:24:04 2001 Subject: OT - swag
Man, you guys suck! When I went to Net App training all we got was a travel coffee mug and a really lame tote bag.
Chuck Ross
I think I've got everyone on this thread beat. I am the proud owner of a black leather NetApp jacket. Currently the best vendor swag in my whole wardrobe.
-- Jeff
On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 02:54:44PM +0200, Leif Nixon wrote:
"Timothy Cook" TCOOK@joy.com writes:
Maybe I'm missing out on the really important aspect of netapps???
Other than a jacket I got at Admin training I've never received my new clothing line from Netapp! Is this an optional part of the Support Agreement, or should I start complaining that I'm not receiving the level of support from Netapp that I should be!
Yes, you might want to consider that.
A couple of months ago I added a new 36-gigger to my F720 setup, and since I failed to notice the little sticker on the bottom
of the disk
about supported ONTAP versions, the filer halted and production stopped. Ouch.
Not two hours later I received an overseas FedEx package containing a NetApp sweater. Now that's service!
-- Leif Nixon Sysadm/developer Ericsson SoftLab AB
E-mail: nixon@softlab.ericsson.se Phone: +46 13 23 57 61