We have two Overland Data 810's that we got to replace our old Quantum 4700's. We are currently dealing with a problem with it gagging on old tapes written by the DLT 4000 drives. Not all, but a good number (a little less then half) of the tapes cause SCSI errors. The system the tape drive is on gets syslog messages of "SCSI transport failed: reason 'reset': giving up" on the tapes it doesn't like. Be aware this is a new product and Overland hasn't worked out all the kinks.
As to the SCSI issue, the 810's are low voltage differential (yes, SCSI keeps making newer, different standards..) which means 1) they don't work on a normal differential (i.e. HV), and 2) that they DO work on normal wide busses (that's what we have).
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, Chris Thompson wrote:
We have an F740 (14x18GB discs), currently without a directly attached tape drive, and are looking to add the latter.
Functional experiments with a loaned DLT8000 drive (actually part of an ADIC FastSTOR) and appropriate /etc/cloned_tapes ("QUANTUM DLT8000 EMULATES QUANTUM DLT7000") were satisfactory, so I have been looking around for a DLT7000 offering, preferably 19"-rack-mounted.
I am getting a lot of responses from suppliers of the form "we haven't got any DLT7000s with HV differential SCSI available, why not buy a DLT8000 drive instead? It's only [anything from 0 to 300 pounds] more".
Are other NetApp users using DLT8000 drives as backup devices in production situations?
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service, Email: cet1@ucs.cam.ac.uk New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG, Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.
----------- Jay Orr Systems Administrator Fujitsu Nexion Inc. St. Louis, MO