Joel Gallun wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Edward Henigin wrote:
I wanna talk this out. What do you mean about "100,000 files in a directory will
cause you performance problems"?
NetApps (running the current code) have problems with directory files larger than 8Mbytes. How many files this is depends on the length of the filenames. I believe that they are tring to fix this problem
For those on release 4.x.
If anyone running usenet news (or with a real need for this sort of thing) is interested, please email me directly for information about a kernel we are testing. We could use a couple more people to help test the kernel out, and you might win some performance in the process.
I would prefer candidates who can give feedback on performance within a fairly short period of time (i.e., your filer should be very busy as I write this note.)
Thanks, Ken.