Dear Group
I have some performance issues using the following.
1 SAN IBM N3700-A20 (Fas270) 2 IBM x3650 each with two Qlogic(R) iSCSI Single Port PCIe HBA for System x ESX 3.5 1 HP 1800 Gb Switch
When I use IOmeter from a W2K8 ESX VM I get only 18mb/sec using IOmeter setup from Vmware forum speed guide. Regardles witch server I run this from.
But when using MS-Software iSCSI from physical W2K8 box connection to SAN I get around 40 mb/sec.
As I see it. It is not the SAN or SW performance or ??
I have searched the Internet for any answers but have not found any usable.
Can you give me some hints to go by ?
Regards Jesper Harder
----- -I have a high Google IQ