Nah the HSSDC2 were only in the FAS270/250
There are two types of LRC modules, one with twin DB9, one with an SC fibre and a DB9. The hop between the head and the first shelf was always fibre.
You could use an LC/SC fibre to connect them to the controllers but like others have said you'd at best be able to run something like 7.2
From: [] On Behalf Of tmac Sent: Sunday, 16 November 2014 6:51 a.m. To: CH Cc: Subject: Re: NetApp 3170 and drive array ds14_NOT_mk2??
So you got yourself some ancient equipment. That shelf looks like it could be an original DS14 shelf with LRC (loop resiliency circuits) for the connection to the filer. Too fuzzy to tell for sure. That shelf has not been supported in ONTAP for quite some time (well before 8.0)
I don't think you will find any supported configuration for that head and that shelf. Even if you could, cabling is an issue. Looks like only optical LC Fiber connections are on the Filer heads.
The LRC has a DB9 at the shelf and usually an HSSDC or HSDDC2 at the Filer head.
Personally....I would not waste any time on this. Find another supported shelf (refer to hwu.netapp.com
On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 12:28 PM, CH <> wrote: So I seem to be the place old NetApps go to die locally. This one is a v3170 which powers up fine but this drive array (DS14 version 1?) is a bit puzzling because documentation is hard to find. The person that brought it to me just provided the black (termination?) cables but wasn't sure if they are hooked up right.
Also it looks like i have two different types of fiber between the drive shelves and 3170,(SC and LC?) so not completely sure these really went together in their previous lives in production. (would this cable connect them?
Any ideas?
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