I don't suppose you moved the root without copying /etc across ?
Also, booting from fcal (disks) instead of CF Card could get you a different kernel, depending on how the system was setup. A renewed "download" and reboot would put the same /etc kernel into both.
Not sure if the message repeats or just shows on boot either. That may depend on the wether you had a Panic recently, where the Stacktrace requires the file.
We have an internal KB about this, and on Netcache related public Bug Report: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=85070
But they don't explain what triggers the warning internally.
-- Olaf Leimann Escalation Engineer, EMEA Technical Support Center Toll Free Technical Support (EMEA): 00800-44-638277
From: LOhit [mailto:lohit.b@gmail.com] Sent: dinsdag 9 juni 2009 19:20 To: Leimann, Olaf Cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: Unable to open function name/address mapping file
Thanks Olaf, I appreciate all the help. I think the information provided by you will help others as well.
However, my only question is, why this message started appearing on my console all of a sudden? even though the filer was upgraded to its current version of ONTAP almost an year ago.
Regards, -LOhit
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Leimann, Olaf olaf@netapp.com wrote:
Hi, I've been spying in the group, and thought you could use a bit of expertise here (feel free to forward the info back into toasters, though). It's not specifically a missing file - this happens when the wrong ONTAP Archive was used for the type of Head you have. This mistake is often made when you swap the head for a newer model, or get a P-release and only get a list of archive files with no description of the head linked to which archive. When you get a full release (select your Filer from the download page, then the ONTAP version), the download table will show you properly which archives belong to which series. There are three types of partially compatible processors in use: a) intel, b) amd, c) multi-core AMD You can run the lesser on the more recent, since the processors are compatible, but will get that error. For example, FAS3020 and FAS3050 use the _e archive (ELF, AMD), while FAS3040, FAS3070 and the FAS3100 and FAS6000 series use the _q archive (AMD multi-core), the _i archive (Intel) is only for old Filers (FAS900 series, F800 series), the _a archive (older versions, Alpha F700 series), and The _m archive for FAS250/FAS270 (MIPS processor). The latter two will never run on other processors, of course. Fix: Just get the right .exe archive into /etc/software (create the directory if you don't already have it), then run "software install <archive_name>", "download" and "reboot" to get the kernel on the CF Card refreshed as well and boot into the right one. In a cluster you do the stuff until the reboot on both heads, then do a takeover and giveback in both directions (this is essential for SAN environments). If your clsuter is CIFS only, then two reboots under "cf disable" causes less interruptions, though. Since you keep the same ONTAP version (just a different processor kernel), you should have a quick reboot (no ESH/AT-FCX updates). Kind regards, -- Olaf Leimann Escalation Engineer, EMEA Technical Support Center Toll Free Technical Support (EMEA): 00800-44-638277 My working hours are: 10:30h to 19:00h CET Get answers NOW! - NetApp On the Web: http://now.netapp.com http://now.netapp.com/ Want to speed up case resolution? Download the new Remote Support Diagnostics Tool. Learn how at: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/download/tools/rsa/ Everyone at NetApp is committed to the highest level of customer satisfaction. If at any time you feel that you are less than very satisfied with our support, please contact my manager Tola Soyode (tolas@netapp.com) at +31-6-46375165.
From: LOhit [mailto:lohit.b@gmail.com] Sent: maandag 8 juni 2009 20:20 To: Learmonth, Peter Cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: Unable to open function name/address mapping file Thanks all for the replies, however, I had checked my oldest (2 weeks old) snapshot before posting here, I couldn't see that directory in the snapshot either. The filer is due for an upgrade in about 2 weeks time, just want to know whether this(missing file/directory) will affect the normal functioning of the system, so far nobody complained. I am the only one who manages the filers here and I have not made any changes except for setting "nfs.mountd.trace" to "on" for a brief period last week. The system seems to be working fine and the commands ndmpd,ndmpcopy are available, though I don't use them currently. On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Learmonth, Peter Peter.Learmonth@netapp.com wrote:
Hi LOhit Sounds like the filer was zeroed and set up without extracting all the supporting files, or booted from a new kernel that doesn't match the ONTAP files installed, or somebody deleted some stuff under /etc. You can check /etc/.snapshot to see if/when /etc/boot last existed. You need to refer to the upgrade docs and do a "software install" or use NFS or CIFS to extract the appropriate setup.exe / tarball. You may also notice certain commands are missing, like ndmpd, ndmcopy and a handful of others (do ? from the command line and see if those commands are there). Make sure the version of ONTAP you extract matches the current running version. Do a version and version -b and make sure they all match. Share and enjoy! Peter
From: LOhit [mailto:lohit.b@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 10:07 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Unable to open function name/address mapping file Hello All, I have been getting this warning message on the console since past 4 days. Have you seen this before by any chance? I am running 7.2.3 on a 3020 and no changes were made in the recent past, this message starting appearing all of a sudden. BTW, there is no directory called "boot" in "/etc". Thu Jun 4 23:50:00 GMT [mgr.stack.openFail:warning]: Unable to open function name/address mapping file /etc/boot/mapfile_7.2.3.L: No such file or directory -- LOhit
-- LOhit