I have the same problem because I have many thin-provisioned LUNs. You are correct in that there is no SNMP notification for autosize. I opened a ticket with NetApp and the reply was:
"First, if you have DFM, you can create a custom alert for notification. Second, you can create a custom trap using SNMP, and that would alert you as well.
There is some information on creating custom SNMP traps in the Network Management Guide, Chapter 5: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/ontap/rel723/html/ontap/nag/5sn mp7.htm
Unfortunately, I cannot assist you in actually creating a new trap, as that is something very much out of the scope of TSE's."
I have yet to create a custom trap, but please share if you get one working. I am currently monitoring my volumes by receiving SNMP alerts when the volume reaches 98%, letting me know the volume will autosize very soon.
-----Original Message----- From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Buerger, Andreas Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:10 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: vol autoresize notification
We're in progress to configure vol autoresizing on some of our systems. One central aspect of this configuration should be to get an information about the processed autoresizing action, to track what's going on on the affected volume. At the moment I see the only possibilty to get the threshold information of neary full and full volumes (by default 95% & 98%). By default, I just see the log on the console and so in /etc/messages, but non is send via snmp etc.
Is it possible to monitor the autoresizing action or is there a way to implement a notfication for autoresizing?
I'm thinking of user defined traps or something like that. Has anyone experiences with implementing vol autoresize?
Cheers Andreas