Hello All,
We've upgraded our AFF-A220 to 9.13.1 as per https://kb.netapp.com/Support_Bulletins/Customer_Bulletins/SU530
and should be all good to go for next Tuesday's closing of the door on NTLMv2 authentication.
scrb::> vserver cifs session show -vserver sdata -fields auth-mechanism,address,windows-user node vserver session-id connection-id address auth-mechanism windows-user -------- ---------- -------------------- ------------- --------------- -------------- ------------ scrb-a sdata 12223613813613660030 4271015427 NTLMv2 FHC\rgrasdue
still shows all of our CIFS connections using NTLMv2 to authenticate (one line is shown of hundreds of connections)
Are we ready for next week's update? Will the auth-mechanism change after we patch our DCs? Or will all our CIFS connections break?
Let u s know,
Randy Rue