Directory attributes are cached on the client-side (timeout is usually in the 30 sec range). If you list out a dir and then change perms from a different client, the original client won't see the updated perms until it's attr cache timeout is exceeded. Client-side attr cache timeouts are adjustable with mount options ... look at your client's version of 'man mount_nfs' for details.
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On 8/12/02 at 1:17 PM Igor Schein wrote:
On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 11:51:37AM -0400, Steve Losen wrote:
I've noticed that when I make a change on an nfs mounted file system on my Netapp from one machine, it sometimes takes anywhere from a few seconds
a minute for other machines that access the same nfs mounted file system
see the change I made from the first machine. The clients are unix and linux machines.
Example: On my admin host (unix machine), I change permissions on an exported directory. A unix client that automounts this directory takes 20 to 30 seconds before I see the directory permissions change.
Anyone else experience something like this? What sort of things should I
checking to reduce or eliminate this delay?
Try checking the date/time on the filer and the NFS clients. I think you can run into these sort of problems if there are discrepancies.
I've seen the same thing, and I have ntp everywhere. Do you use (t)csh? rehash might help.
Marty Johnson