I thought the license keys were different for every machine. Are you saying I can use the license key for one machine on another. Aren't they tied to serialnumbers?
AFAIK, no.
Anybody else out there with a cluster, what does is listed when you run license on each head?
Now that I look, both heads of my cluster have the same license keys. I'm not sure if that's intentional, or the same lazy case mentioned previously. Ugh.
I figure we will get a 15% improvement in performance if I break the heads. How much performance improvement have people seen when they have moved from 100mb to gig?
Haven't had a chance to compare them side to side, but the gige's are preferable even for equivalent traffic given some of the extras, such as checksum offloading, jumbo framing (if you can use it) and interrupt coalescing.
Where are you extracting the 15% number though? (and how is the 100:1000mb related?)