bc toasters isn't an official NetApp mailing list.
It is an independent, open and free user/admin/whatever list, to discuss/troubleshoot or just talk about toaster topics. NetApp already offers a full blown support and community site for real (and paying) customers, incl. SLAs.
btw., I'm fine with the domain, thanks for running the list.
On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 07:42:05 -0400, Brian Bouterse wrote:
Some folks like teaparty.net [24], some don't. Some folks like Google groups, some don't. So here's a simple question that should have an equally simple answer. Why isn't the _official_ NetApp mailing list hosted @netapp.com [25]? I'm surprised folks at NetApp think not hosting it @netapp.com [26] is a good idea.
That being said, I really, *truly* couldn't care less where it is hosted. I will not be responding again to this thread.