On 04/01/99 00:34:34 you wrote:
Hi Brian,
64MB file on an F740 running 5.1.2, minra=on on that RAID volume.
The filesystem is mounted via NFSv3 and UDP transport. Network connection is fast Ethernet via crossover cable.
What are results with minra=off? Wouldn't that be a better setting for large sequential files?
That was my first reaction as well.
First run is from a Sun E450 reading in the file with dd and 32K
block size. Second run is from another E450 (same network config, different NIC on the F740) reading in the same file. Reading a file from disk seems to be exceptionally slow.
I agree, this seems slow. How many disks in that volume/raid group in question? Could that file somehow be very fragmented?
And this was my second. Try creating the file "fresh" (via copy) and then reading it (later, after you're sure it's no longer in cache) and seeing the results. Also, I suspect having fewer than 7 drives could be a limiting factor.
Reading the same file from cache is faster, but still not close to what I'd expect over an otherwise quiet 100 Mbps link.
Can't agree with you here. You're getting roughly 8.4 MB/s over link capable of about 10-12.5 MB/s max. Not optimal, but not bad either...
And this was my third. The in-cache response doesn't seem to be out of line given other possible variables.