Wait a few hours, run it again.
There is a bug where if the Performance ASUP data is >10MB, it fails to send.
If <10MB (your last attempt started the log over)...it should beOK.
IMHO, I would advise anyone on 8.0.x < 8.0.3, do a manual perfASUP submission a few X a week, so that each send is <10MB.
This data is useful to you on My Autosupport, and for diagnosis of other issues within NGS/PS/etc.
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Dan Finn dan_j_finn@yahoo.com wrote:
Oops, sorry about that. It's a 3270 running 8.0.2P3.
*From:* Jeff Mohler speedtoys.racing@gmail.com
*To:* Dan Finn dan_j_finn@yahoo.com *Cc:* "toasters@teaparty.net" toasters@teaparty.net *Sent:* Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:49 PM
*Subject:* Re: Strange error when running autosupport.doit
What OS version?
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Dan Finn dan_j_finn@yahoo.com wrote:
I noticed that when I run an autosupport.doit I get the following error:
Thu Mar 15 15:39:16 MDT [na04: asup.general.file.create.failed:error]: AutoSupport file (/mroot/etc/log/.cm_stats_hourly_done) was unable to be written to the file spool subdirectory.
But the autosupport email still makes it out and looks good. I deleted everything under /etc/log/autosupport and I also tested that I could create the file that is mentioned in the error manually as root, no issues there.
Anyone else ever seen this before?
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Gustatus Similis Pullus