You are seeing user quotas, not share/export/qtree quotas. You need a qtree
quota to limit the qtree to 2GB. User quotas define how much of a
system/export/share/qtree quota is available per user.
The advantage of using a qtree over a directory is that quotas can be set on
a qtree and oplocks can be enabled or disabled dynamically on each qtree.
For reference:
# quotarep --
# parse the output of a NetApp's "quota report" and highlight
# which entries may or do exceed their maximum.
# (default is to highlight entries within 10%)
Eric Kimminau Email:
Senior Corp. Sales Engineer Cell: 248.766.9921
Rainfinity, an EMC Company Office: 248.393.8037 Optimizing Networked Storage
Tech support US: 1-800-479-9880
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maglinger, Paul
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 5:12 PM
> To: NetApps list server
> Subject: Windows Explorer directory size discrepancy with
> home directory.
> Running a 740 filer with Ontap 6.4.5. I have users that are
> mapped to their home directories on the filer. We have 2 GB
> quotas on the home directories. When one of our users clicks
> on her mapped drive, it shows that 12.8MB are used and 1.98GB
> are free in the Windows Explorer pane.
> When I check it as another user on another system, it says
> that 4K is used and 1.99GB is free in the pane. If I
> right-click on the folder in the home directory and bring up
> the properties of the folder, it shows that there is 1.51GB
> of data in there. What's causing the discrepancy?
> Paul Maglinger, A+, CA, CCA, CET, MCSE
> Systems Administrator
> Shoe Carnival Inc.
> (812)867-4674
> ________________________________