I would like to hear what solutions people have implemented for backing up their Filers. We have a Breece Hill Q2.15 tape library (1 DLT 4000 drive and 14 slots). We are planning to have a look at BudTool, but at £10k-£15k it seems pretty expensive for something that swaps your tapes in and out and dumps data to them.
That's a similiar setup that we are using - every "large" filer has a local BH attached to it (2 drive unit so two filers share one BH, one filer controls the robotics).
However, it is not without frightful problems usually between NDMP in BudTool vs. filer that result in memory leaks or crashes. This has been a real sore issue with us and PDC (or whatever their new name is) and NetApp.
- mz
-- matthew zeier -- mrz@3com.com -- 3Com EWD Engineering -- 408/764-8420 ...................................................................... "Y el mundo se mueve, mas rapido y mejor." - Fey