You need to be aware that LTO2 is not supported as standard in DOT and you require 6.3.1 or later & a configuration file to be loaded onto the filer.
See the following page :
However, you should be able to use the sysconfig -t and sysconfig -m to see any SCSI devices connected to the on-board HVD SCSI.
Tape Device Configuration File
The Tape Device Configuration Files below enable the support of the corresponding tape devices on a particular release of Data ONTAP (as specified).
If the Tape Device has been built into Data ONTAP, the configuration file cannot be used, and instead, Data ONTAP's built-in values will be used.
Only devices that have been tested to work with a configuration file and NetApp filers with a specific DataOntap release are provided here, and thus are supported.
Note: All other configuration files, any altered configuration files, or any configuration file on a release other than specified here, are considered unsupported by Network Appliance.
Download Tape Device Data ONTAP Supported with Configuration File Configuration File Hewlett-Packard Ultrium 2 (HP LTO 2 - SCSI/FC) 6.3.1 or later (SCSI), 6.4.1 or later(FC) HP.LTO2 IBM LTO II, ULTRIUM-TD2 (SCSI/FC) 6.3.1 or later IBM_LTO2_ULTRIUM.TCF UM.TCF IBM LTO II, ULT3580-TD2 (SCSI/FC) 6.3.1 or later IBM_LTO2_ULT3580.TCF 80.TCF Quantum SDLT 320 (LVD) 6.3.1 or later QUANTUM.SDLT320 0 Quantum SDLT 600 6.5 and later QUANTUM_SDLT600.TCF 0.TCF StorageTek 9940B 6.3.1 or later STK.9940B Installation
In order to utilize one of the configuration files above, please do the following steps.
1. Right-click on appropriate file above, do a "Save As..." and download the file. If a file extension has been added by your browser (such as .txt), please rename the file so that is appears similar to NAME.MODEL. 2. Place the file into the /etc/tape_config directory. 3. On the file console, run sysconfig -t and confirm that the drives are recognized. A reboot might be necessary for SCSI attached tape devices.
Note: If the drive is already built into Data ONTAP, the configuration file for that device will not be used, and a warning will be generated. For a list of supported/built-in drives, please go to
Rgds Dave
From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Baker Sent: Thursday, 30 September 2004 8:57 AM To: Subject: RE: Installing a new tape library
So much for, "should be as easy as...", we can't get the F760 to see the library, so I'm wondering if speeds could be a problem. Anyone know what the specs of the HVD connection on the F760 motherboard are. Is this a SCSI I at 5MB or something different?Thanks,
"McCarthy, Tim" wrote:
That is for FC connections.
Always power off the SCSI connectors if you can. This means turn off the F760.
Not doing so may cause damage to the F760 SCSI, the Tape Drive/library or both sides.
From: Michael Schipp [] Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:32 PM To: Scott Baker; Subject: RE: Installing a new tape library
Sounds about right, however you do not need to power off and back on if you are running a later version of DOT (I think it came in 6.4.?)
storage disable adapter 0b
storage enable adapter 0b
From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Baker Sent: Thursday, 23 September 2004 1:08 PM To: Subject: Installing a new tape library
We currently have a DLT tape library connected to our F760 using the onboard HVD. We're going to change this out with a newer LTO2 library. The newer library uses LVD, so we have an HVD/LVD converter box. We also only use dump scripts to do our backups. It sounds like this should be as easy as
- power off F760
- disconnect DLT library
- connect LTO2 library with HVD/LVD converter
- power on F760
- modify scripts in case any SCSI IDs have change
Are there things we're overlooking. BTW, I realize we should have bought an LVD card for the F760, but someone had already purchased the converter and right now we're not up against any windows.
Thanks for any suggestions,
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