Lol... I come up with great names - not ONLY do you win them in a coin toss (Heads, Heads, Heads) but then you steal the names and take them with you to UT. Have you no SHAME man!?!?!?!
Glad they are living well in the city!
Hope the DFM commands help. Just be careful if you want the old history. C-
Thomas Nail wrote:
Hey Chris!
ahhhh... from the dim recesses of memory comes back the ultimate "delete code". It does work:
dfm service stop dfm service start sql dfm vfiler delete -f <objid> dfm service start dfm host diag <hosting_filer>
...and the volumes show up under the parent just like magic! And what do you mean "get rid of Guilden and Rosen"? That didn't happen, they just moved...
host guilden has address
host rosen has address
(The names and addresses have been changed to protect the innocent...)
- -=Tom Nail
On 04/13/2012 10:49 AM, Blackmor, Chris wrote:
Hey Tom, I know that to completely delete a filer from DFM you have to shut down dfm and do a dfm host delete (or destroy) -f. That is the only way to get rid of all records pertaining to a specific host. That said, you mention that your volumes moved to the hosting filer. This may cause you to lose history of the volumes since I don't know how the vfiler removal will affect the actual new vfiler0 volumes. If you don't care then it may just be a simple matter of forcing the removal of the vfiler and moving along.
We had that same issue when I tried to get rid of Guilden and Rosen. You remember those, don'tcha. ;) C-
Thomas Nail wrote: All,
I do have an open ticket with NetApp support on this, but I thought I'd post here in case someone has seen this issue before...
I've been trying to delete a vfiler from DFM/Operations Manager. This should be simple and I've tried using the DFM command-line for that purpose:
dfm vfiler delete <object>
The problem I'm running into is that most of the volumes formerly hosted by that vfiler have been migrated to the hosting filer (aka, vfiler0) but they are deleted in DFM along with the vfiler. These are still valid volumes and need to be monitored, so it's kind of problematic. I've tried "re-discovering" the hosting filer after I deleted the vfiler to get the volumes to move to the "right" place and I've also tried waiting for the next monitoring interval for DFM to pick up the "new" volumes, but nothing is working at this point. The only workaround I've discovered is to re-add the destroyed vfiler to get the volumes back and stop monitoring on the vfiler itself.
Any ideas on how to get DFM to "Do The Right Thing"?
-=Tom Nail
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