Actually this is something I know quite a bit about since a buddy of mine moved with Pacer when they were bought out.
Pacer Software was bought by A.G.E. in San Diego about 4 years ago. A.G.E. closed down the Massachusetts operation and moved all of the personnel to San Diego. About 3 years ago, A.G.E. was bought out by NetManage. The PacerShare product still exists, but it is sold under another name by NetManage. I don't know the name, but you could ask them...
Hope this helps,
-------------------------------------------- Michael Kade Sales Executive Network Appliance, Inc Phone: (602) 391-1847 Email: Web:
-----Original Message----- From: Guy Harris [] Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 2:11 PM To: Marc Nicholas Cc:; Subject: Re: Macintosh Access
Years ago I used to use a product called "PacerShare" from Pacer Software in Mass. Wondering if they still exist...
They used to have good interoperability between AppleShare volumes and UNIX/NFS volumes...
Maybe a web search can track them down? (If they still exist)
...or perhaps a "whois" search.
I'd cut and paste the results of said search, but I didn't save it, and the damn WHOIS server is *again* too heavily loaded to respond.
It turned up a mention of "", and mentioned, as contacts, people with "" e-mail addresses.
Furthermore, the "" domain's DNS server is a server at "".
*However*, there does not appear to be *any* mention of any acquisition of Pacer Software if you go to NetManage's Web server and look for press releases about acquisitions! They show various other acquisitions going back to 1996, but nothing that mentions Pacer Software in the headline; maybe Pacer got bought by somebody else who then got bought by NetManage.
However, every page on the NetManage site seems to say "PC" about 5000 times, so maybe they've shot Pacer's Appletalk stuff in the head.
An AltaVista search for "Pacer Software" did what all too many AltaVista searches did - turned up a zillion pages (306) many of which are old or otherwise irrelevant.
However, a search for "PacerShare", limited to pages modified in 1998, found PacerSoftware.html
which appears to claim that PacerShare and PacerPrint are available for Solaris x86 - but, for all I know, it has been claiming that since some time in 1994.
Furthermore, another thing it found was in an archive of the "decstation-managers" mailing list, at decstation-managers/1996/03/msg00027.html
which says:
We recieved the unhappy news a few days ago that Pacer has been bought (by whom I do not know)
It's dated Mar 1996; the earliest press release I found on the NetManage site was June 1996, so maybe they bought Pacer back then - and, unless I've missed something on their site, killed off PacerShare.
(The Web is *such* a marvelous collection of useless and out-of-date information; I'd contemplate *paying* to use a search engine that found only *up-to-date* information....)