We don't "yet" have clustered systems, so maybe my question is a bit off, but how do you read a partners /et/rc file in the event of a crash - are they mirrored to each other? If so how does this mechanism work?
Sam Cramer wrote:
I wrote:
When a node takes over for its partner, it reads the partner's /etc/rc file. The ifconfig commands are processed specially: they are examined for a "partner" clause. If a partner clause is found, the interface named in the partner clause takes over for the interface specified in the ifconfig command. If no partner clause is found, the ifconfig command is ignored.
Whoops --- not enough caffeine! As tkaczma points out, this is exactly backwards: the partner clause is processed by the node destined to take over. Partner mappings (records which define which partner interface the local interface will take over for) --- are recorded at that time. When the node takes over its partner, the partner /etc/rc is run; partner ifconfig statements are matched with the partner mappings in order to determine which local interface will takeover for the partner interface or address in question.