After learning about how our data grows....
We are going to 2 disk Vol 0 (mirrored disk)
Just so that we don't have to jeopardize any data volumes when we upgrade the DATAONTAP OS. Also, I am not remembering why at the time, there is a condition when the reboot time is related to the size of vol0.
I keep a spare for each volume as a policy. I wouldn't have a volume of less than 7 disk (except for vol0).
Have fun,
At 11:24 AM 8/7/2002 -0400, wrote:
I am trying to decide on the number of volumes for our F810 which has a DS14 shelf(FC-AL), with 14 36G drives.
By default Ontap puts 8 disks in a RAID group.
I guess i am trying to figure out if
I should have 2 volumes vol0 and vol1, one with 8 disks and one with 5 disks and i have ONE spare for both the volumes (Is this safe in terms of ratio of disks used to spares ? )
Have 2 volumes(6 + 6) and 2 spares
Have 1 volume with 13 disks and 1 spare. (reconstruction time on failed disk would be high, and i dont know if there will be performance issues esp in calculating parity etc)
Other suggestions are welcome too.
Many Thanks,