Here is how I resolved it.
1. Register a new object (your filer to be added) in your domain controller manually. Or ask respective Windows sysadmin team to do so. In my case it is:
2. Important bit: make sure LDAP "dNSHostName" attribute is populated. Otherwise the filer refuses to find itself while running "cifs setup".
3. Run "cifs setup" and say "yes" to overwrite the existing object when prompted.
Cheers, Vladimir
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 12:52 PM, Momonth wrote:
I tried to add 8.2.3 7-Mode filer to Windows AD via "cifs setup" wizard, but it's failing with:
CIFS - Logged in as username@MYDOMAIN.COM *** Setup cannot connect to an LDAP server for the MYDOMAIN.COM *** active directory domain, and so cannot continue.