Let me just add a "me too" here, I and I know of others would love to see a Netapp backup-oriented mailing list. Has anyone claimed responsibility for getting one going or have all the messages on the topic been folks asking for one?
Justin Acklin Systems Administrator Philips STB
Jay Orr wrote:
Any progress on this?
On 10 Dec 1999, David N. Blank-Edelman wrote:
Michael Coxe mc@com21.com writes:
Is there a mailing-list for this sort of discussion? I'm looking for one, either Budtool specific or UNIX/NT generic (@ enterprise level).
If not, do others feel a need for one?
We'd be very interested in one as well (and would be willing to host if it didn't exist already). Anyone else? Peace, dNb
Jay Orr Systems Administrator Fujitsu Nexion Inc. St. Louis, MO