Hi, Some requests from NT do not supply Unicode file names, but instead use the PC character set. Setting the language indicates which PC character set is in use, so that it can be properly translated to Unicode.
The volume's language should be set as soon as possible after bringing up a 5.3 release.
Joan Pearson Network Appliance
At 10:47 PM 1/30/00 , you wrote:
Hi There,
Has anyone out there installed F 760es in Compaq racks? Any special tips, problems etc....
Also, can anyone relay any experiences (good or bad) with using Non-English files and directories for CIFS clients on Toasters.
And finally, the System. Admin Guide talks about setting a language of a volume with the "vol lang volume langcode" command. Does this having any affect for Unicode clients, ie NT?
Any help appreciated.
-- Andrew Webster Windows NT Consultant Sanno Move Project Deutsche Securities Ltd. - Tokyo Tel. +81-3-5408-4787 Fax. +81-3-5401-6998 Andrew-M.Webster@db.com