Hi Adrian,
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 10:19 PM, Hadrian Baron Hadrian.Baron@vegas.com wrote: ...
To confuse matters, if I use the super new online compatibility matrix tool for Win2k3 I don't find anything newer than Snapdrive 4.0 supporting S/W iSCSI (requires Initiator 2.0 and 2.01) - Nothing for S/W iSCSI for SD 4.2.1 :)
I find that very annoying too. What I basically have to do now is look up the version of iSCSI Host Utilities (Support Kits) I want to use and look up the supported versions of the MS iSCSI initiator in there.
Honestly, I can't say I like the online compatibility matrix tool. All I want is a static web page with all the information (including the supported MS iSCSI versions) I need to know about ...
Regards, Filip