André> You will be fine in performing that upgrade from 9.1P19 to André> 9.3P17 (I’d recommend going to the latest 9.3P18 André> release). Regarding the bug around the security certificates, André> you need to be at 9.1P14 or higher prior to performing the André> upgrade to 9.3.
Thats good then, since we're going to 9.1P19.
André> There are some other items that I would recommend that you André> check in your environment. I believe I saw in another email André> reply the note about Fastpath. Definitely do your homework on André> that one.
I think we're all set there.
André> Also, and this is very important, make sure that your SP André> firmware is up to date for the releases that you are on/going André> to. I ran into this issue 3 times last week during an upgrade André> where the SP firmware wasn’t up to date and the controllers, André> when rebooting during the ONTAP upgrade, halted and returned to André> the loader prompt with the error "This platform is not André> supported in this release”.
This is a good thing to know, mine are all at 3.1.2 version. I'll see if there's a newer version and plan on upgrading them all ahead of time if I can. Thought I might not, since 3.1.2 is the latest version supported with OnTap 8.3P2, so the 9.1P19 will give me upto SP version 3.9 to install.
André> I was able to resolve it via the SP command by performing André> a “dirty shutdown” of that node and powering it back up and André> then performing a SP reboot. There is a NetApp KB article, André> 1009154, that is related (talks about a different platform) but André> the fix resolves this.
Thanks for this info, I'll certainly look into this ASAP.
André> Also, I highly recommend updating all disk/shelf firmwares and André> qualification files ahead of the game (at least 24 hours).
Great idea, I can start this tonight I think.