On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 12:08:03PM +0100, Chris Thompson wrote:
We have had a problem with the automounter even in recent versions of Solaris (including one instance with Solaris 9 so far). It seems to be triggered by the automounter deciding to try unmounting an NFS filing system while the server is unresponsive. The result is that that all accesses to the mounted filing system stall indefinitely (but interruptibly) even after the server is back.
This is low-frequency for any particular server reboot, but still sufficiently common that we try to schedule things so that we can follow up the server reboot by a client reboot if it strikes.
We use amd to automount nfs on all of our platforms (hp, sun, sgi, aix linux) and always have problems when the filer becomes unavailable. So every time we have to perform maintenance on one of our filers, I have to reboot close to 100 systems. Does anyone know of a good nfs automount product? Do the automounters that come shipped with their respective OS work better than those purchased from outside software vendors? What other vendors offer legitimate nfs automount products?