Hi everyone,
Thanks very much for all your replies. Much appreciated.
As expected, the upgrade ran fine and took approximately 10 minutes to upgrade 7 shelves.
NetApp Release Tue Jan 23 01:46:53 PST 2007
I had disabled the cluster as recommended by Netapp support.
Running 'storage download shelf' on my filer automatically upgraded the firmware on all shelves on both sides of the cluster.
Wed Aug 29 16:03:50 GMT [$filer: sfu.downloadStarted:info]: Update of disk shelf firmware started on 7 shelves.
Wed Aug 29 16:13:58 GMT [$filer: sfu.downloadSummary:info]: Shelf firmware updated on 7 shelves.
Many thanks, Philip
Fields, Melissa wrote:
I performed the upgrade today on a 6070C. I specifically ran it on adapter 5a on one side of the cluster and it updated both modules in its shelf just fine. The drives were not in use yet, so no disruption. I did notice that I was unable to run it on the other head of the cluster for its own shelf at the same time. I'm not sure if disabling the cluster would have been enough for me to upgrade both sides of the cluster at the same time since they can each still see the other's drive.
I wonder that if I had a system with multiple SATA loops, if the updates would occur in parallel.
-----Original Message----- From: Brett Clarke [mailto:brett.clarke@dpworld.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 6:37 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: RE: Customer Support Bulletin CSB-0708-03: Critical Upgrade - AT-FCX FW to v34
Hi Philip,
I performed this upgrade a couple of weeks ago on our kit, with no issues at all. We had 2 x AT-FCX modules to up from v33 to v34 - all up it took about 5 minutes to run. As all our connections on this appliance are iSCSI based (with a 180 sec timeout), we were able to complete it without needing an outage.
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Philip Boyle [philip.boyle@eircom.net] Sent: Wednesday, 29 August 2007 20:05 To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Customer Support Bulletin CSB-0708-03: Critical Upgrade - AT-FCX FW to v34
Hi guys,
Has anyone had any issues with this firmware upgrade?
Thanks, Philip
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