I've been dumping my filer to a remote HP DDS-4 drive on a RedHat Linux machine. It's been working great. But now I have more data on my filer than one DDS-4 tape will hold for a level-0 dump.
Are there any issues with spanning more than one tape for a dump via rmt? Here is the output of my dump run:
DUMP: Dumping tape file 1 on /dev/nst0 DUMP: creating "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_backup.3" snapshot. DUMP: Using Full Volume Dump DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Apr 23 10:40:26 2001. DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch. DUMP: Dumping /vol/vol0/ to dumper DUMP: mapping (Pass I)[regular files] DUMP: mapping (Pass II)[directories] DUMP: estimated 24452615 KB. DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories] DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files] DUMP: Mon Apr 23 10:46:54 2001 : We have written 560012 KB.
[... lines removed ...]
DUMP: Mon Apr 23 12:37:04 2001 : We have written 21097444 KB. DUMP: Remote write failed: RMT bad response from client DUMP: DUMP IS ABORTED DUMP: Deleting "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_backup.3" snapshot.
Is there a way I can have dump prompt me to change volumes? I haven't been able to find much information on the subject.
-Andrew Smith DCANet