I see. Yes, we would prefer to go with a netapps card but at last check we could not purchace a scsi controller, memory, or a disk tray for the F330 and now am searching for other means to update the system. I do appreciate the help.
On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Mike Tuciarone wrote:
Cwaeth Jay Orr:
Also, I notice on the sysconfig that both slot0 and 9 use Qlogic ISP 1020A scsi controllers. As best as I can see those are discontinued, but they're standard PCI scsi controllers -- anyone dropped in another PCI scsi controller and see what it does?
Had anyone dropped in another QLogic PCI SCSI controller--say, based on the ISP1040B--they would have seen it behave like a SCSI controller. If they'd dropped in one based on the 1040 or 1040A, they also would have seen a SCSI controller but one with a distinctly higher error rate. In both cases, if the card wasn't a NetApp SCSI Host Adapter, they would have seen an unsupported configuration, naturally, which means an untested configuration, which means an unwarranted configuration, which basically means a configuration that MIGHT eat their data and no one would care or come help. (Well, we'd care, but we wouldn't help.) But you knew that already.
Had anyone dropped in a PCI SCSI controller made by anyone except QLogic, they would have seen the exact same filer as without the new controller, except that it now consumes a few milliamps more electrical power.
Mike Tuciarone Platform Software
----------- Fujitsu - Nexion, St. Louis, MO Jay Orr (314) 579-6517