We have a medium sized environment with several discrete mail domains. The mailservers for the domains are (for historical reasons) all of a different type (HP-UX, Solaris, AIX and SGI) but are all running sendmail-8.8.8. Now in the documentation from sendmail they specificly recomend AGAINST running the mail server on a machine that is an NFS client for the user mailbox filesystem.
Is anyone out there actually doing this? With a ~500 workstation, 5 mailserver environment (we'll still have multiple different mail directories one for each mail domain)? With a mixed (HP, SUN, AIX, SGI, NEXT, Linux) environment?
<scw> postmaster@seas.ucla.edu ----- Stephen C. Woods; UCLA SEASnet; 2567 Boelter hall; LA CA 90095; (310)-825-8614 Finger for public key scw@cirrus.seas.ucla.edu,Internet mail:scw@SEAS.UCLA.EDU