Hi toasters,
Hannes Herret - Bacher Systems EDV GmbH wrote:
supported (see config guide on NOW): are 4 ds14 shelves (with lrc) on 1 loop. are 6 ds14 shelves (with esh) on 1 loop.
Thats right.
Talking about performance with more FC busses:
Your average FC-Drive will give your somewhere around 40-50 MB/s troughput, so your bus with 1 GBit will probably be maxed out at 3 drives already, with the mk2-shelves (2GBit) double that number. So more than the recommended number of shelves will NOT give you any better performance.
If you really want to max things out get the mk2-shelf and run a multipathing setup. Remember, clustering is not possible with the mutlipath setup, since the cluster-partner connects via the B-Port of the disk-shelf.
- Olli