We're running BudTool461-2Solaris on an E450 with an L11000 and one of our schedules is comprised of one ndmp request from one of our F740s which is 190+GB in size. A normal backup for this request spans between 8-10 tapes appending to and overwriting DLT7000s as necessary and spans between 6-7 tapes on tape copies.
We haven't had any problems dumping this request, however, if I'm reading your mail correctly, are you suggesting we would have problems restoring this request because of the number of tapes that was spanned ?? Or was your message specific to 4.6.1a ?
Yes, it's evidently the restore which will fail if the backup image spans more than three tapes. Coincidentally, I just heard some more details from PDC today. They say that the problem ("limitation") was discovered when testing for the 4.6.1 release, and that it has to do with the Tapes DB or File History DB not handling the large quantities properly somehow. They didn't say so, but it sounds to me like if that's the case, it might be possible to do a manual restore, bypassing BudTool, if you knew on which tape(s) to find the data. Let's see Legato NetWorker do that!
As far as I can tell, 4.6.1a is what was released, but it gets called "4.6.1" here and there.
Thanks for the other info; We seem to be doing OK with dumping the individual qtree's, both before and after upgrading to both the latest BudTool and the recommended ONTAP release (5.3.6R2). That oughta hold us 'til we replace BudTool.