we get these messages on reboot of one netapp
** Option wafl.default_unix_user is being set to "pcuser" in /etc/rc, ** and this conflicts with a value - "root" - loaded from the registry. ** Commands in /etc/rc always override the registry at boot time, ** so the value of wafl.default_unix_user is now "pcuser". Fri Mar 24 16:15:10 AKS [rc]: Option wafl.default_unix_user with value "pcuser" in /etc/rc is overri from the registry. ** Option wafl.default_unix_user is being set to "root" in /etc/rc, ** and this conflicts with a value - "pcuser" - loaded from the registry. ** Commands in /etc/rc always override the registry at boot time, ** so the value of wafl.default_unix_user is now "root".
the option line is not in the /etc/rc file anyone know what causes such schizo behaviour? wher is a netapp's registry? ======================== John Jenkinson BP Exploration (Alaska)